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1.Capitalize the first word of every sentence.


2.Capitalize the first word in direct quotations.


3.Do not capitalize indirect quotations.


4.If a continuous sentence in a direct quotation is split and the second half is not a new a sentence, do not capitalize it.


5.If a new sentence begins after the split, then capitalize it as you would any sentence.


6. Capitalize the word I, either alone or in a contraction.

Examples : Do I get to go? I said that I'm here.


7. Capitalize words such as Mother, Father, Grandmother, Grandfather, Son, Daughter, and Sis when they are used in place of the person's name.

Do not capitalize them when they follow possessive pronouns such as my, his, her, our, or your.

Examples: I will ask Father. I will ask my father.


8. Capitalize The days of the week, The months of the year,

•Do not capitalize the seasons.

Example: Monday, March, summer, autumn

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