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1.  Begin with a metaphor or a similie
     My life has been a carnival.  My family is like an open book.
2.  Begin with a question
     Who is the greatest athlete of all time?
3.  Begin with a definition
      Amiable is the best way to describe my personality.  I am friendly and caring.         Perfect is the best adjective to describe me. I am flawless in every aspect of           my life.
4.   Begin with a quotation
      "Learn to laugh" is something my kindergarten teacher told me after Ralph              Thorsen spilled paint on my daffodil picture.
5.   Begin with a comparison to a well-known person or celebrity
       I'm as photogenic as Eva Longoria
6.   Begin with placing yourself in the future
       In the year 2020, I see myself as a supreme ballerina performing in Camelot          at the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C.
7.   Begin with a dilemma
       Deciding to attend Hampton Roads Academy, a private school, was one of my        most difficult decisions.
8.   Begin with a scene
       The day of my birth began with Hurricane Charlie pounding at our door in                Charlestown, North Carolina
5 More Ways To Write A Hook
1.  Inverted Pyramid
2.  Using a fact or statistic
3.  Anecdote or personal experience
4.  Rhetorical Question
5.  Bold pronouncement
What to avoid when writing a Hook
1.  Dictionary Quotes defining what a particular word means.
2.  Google Quotes copied and pasted without any real thought.
3.  "I was thinking about what to write and came up with this:" Totally

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