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Go to and then in box type in "kzindler". It will take you to a study stack that has all the vocabulary words

Group One-7th Grade

Affect ‐ To have an influence on or effect a change in something

Element ‐ a part or aspect of something

Ensure ‐ to make sure or certain

Participate ‐ to be active and involved in something or to share in something

Specify ‐ To state exactly or in detail what you want or need

Group One - 8th Grade

Contribute - To give or supply for a common purpose

Immigrate ‐ To enter and settle in a new country

Reaction ‐ A response to something

Relocate ‐ To move to a new place

Shifting ‐ Changing attitudes, judgments, or emphasis

Group Eight- 8th Grade

Phantasm - Illusion, ghost, a product of fantasy, a    

                      mental representation of a real object.

Revel - A wild party or celebration.

Sagacious - Having or showing keen discernment,

                      sound judgment, and farsightedness, shrewd

Group Two-7th Grade

Aspect ‐ A characteristic or feature of something

Cultural ‐ Of or relating to culture or cultivation

Evaluate ‐ To examine something carefully to its value of worth

Resource ‐ Something that can be used for support or help

Text ‐ A literary work that is regarded as an object of critical analysis

Group Two- 8th Grade

Abnormal ‐ Not typical, usual, or regular; not normal

Feature ‐ A prominent or distinctive part, quality, or characteristic

Focus - to direct toward a specific point or purpose

Perceive ‐ To become aware of something directly through any of the senses

Task ‐ An assignment or work done as part of one’s duties

Group Three -7th Grade

Abnormal ‐ Not typical, usual, or regular; not normal

Feature ‐ A prominent or distinctive part, quality, or characteristic

Focus - to direct toward a specific point or purpose

Perceive ‐ To become aware of something directly through any of the senses

Task ‐ An assignment or work done as part of one’s duties

Group Three - 8th Grade

Convention - A practice or procedure widely used by a group; a custom

Predict - To tell about in advance, especially on the basis of special knowledge

Psychology - The study of mental processes and behaviors

Summary - A condensed, or shorter, report that includes the main points of a text or event.

Technique - The systematic or orderly procedure by which a task is accomplished.

Group Four-7th Grade

Interact - to act upon each other

Potential - capable of doing or being something;  having possibility

Specify - to state exactly or in detail what you want or need

Stress - to put emphasis on something

Valid - convincing or having a sound reason for something

Group Five-7th Grade

Moderate - Something kept within a certain limit

Prowess - The strength and courage someone has

Frantic - Do something quickly and nervously

Anxiety - A worried and uneasy feeling

Obstinate - Stubborn and unyielding

Inundate - To give a huge amount of something

Precaution - An action taken to avoid possible danger

Group Six-7th Grade

Sarcasm - words that mean the opposite of what you really want to say

Tacit - understood without being directly stated.

Ebullience - enthusiastic expression of thoughts or feelings .

Implore - The use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning

Elude - escape, either physically or mentally

Contemptuous - without respect with a bitter attitude

Group Seven-7th Grade

Inscrutable - Difficult to understand

Tumult – Commotion of a great crowd; disorder

Tirade – A long angry or violent speech

Blatant – Very obvious

Malevolent - Having an ill will or wishing harm to others

Ludicrous – obviously absurd; foolish

Group Four- 8th Grade

Complex - consisting of many interwoven parts that make something difficult to understand

Consume - to buy things for your own or to take something in

Potential - capable of doing or being something; having possibility

Inadequate - not enough or sufficient to fulfill a need or meet a requirement

Interact - to act upon each other

Group Five - 8th Grade

Apprehension - Suspicion or fear especially of future evil 

Depravity - A corrupt act or practice; moral corruption

Epilepsy - disorders marked by disturbed electrical rhythms of the central nervous system and typically recognized by convulsions usually with clouding of consciousness

Irony - The use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning

Profane - Serving to insult what is holy

Redemption - Freedom from the consequences of sin

Prudent - Marked by wisdom; shrewd in the management of practical affairs

Sadist - One who delights in cruelty

Group Six- 8th Grade

Sarcasm - words that mean the opposite of what you really want to say

Tacit - understood without being directly stated.

Ebullience - enthusiastic expression of thoughts or feelings

Enmity - Deep seated hatred

Recrimination - The act of accusing in return after someone has accused you

Contemptuous - without respect with a bitter attitude

Inscrutable - Difficult to understand

Group Eight-7th Grade

Cynic - A person who has negative opinions about other people and what they do

Overt - Something that is obvious

Covert - Something done secretively

Maroon - To abandon or leave someone in a place that is hard to get away from.

Judicious - Having good judgment

Group Seven- 8th Grade

Tumult – Commotion of a great crowd; disorder

Tirade – A long angry or violent speech

Blatant – Very obvious

Malevolent - Having an ill will or wishing harm to others

Ludicrous – obviously absurd; foolish

Group Nine - 7th Grade

Introspective - an examination of one's own                                          thoughts and feelings

Unconscious - not knowing or perceiving

Shrew - an ill-tempered angry woman

Impaired - disabled or functionally defective

Amnesia - loss of memory due usually to brain                           injury

Group Eight- 8th Grade

Peril - Something that is dangerous

Condole - Expressing sympathy or sorrow

Grimmace - Facial expression of pain or disgust

Credulity - A tendency to believe too quickly; gullible

Avaricious - Greedy

Compensation - Something that is received as payment, like money

Group Ten- 7th Grade

Adroit -  quick or skillful in action or thought

coalesce - fuse or cause to come together

cynical - believing the worst about someone

                 or something

deleterious - harmful to living things

euphemism - an inoffensive expression          

                          substituted for an offensive one

Group Nine- 8th Grade

Phantasm - Illusion, ghost, a product of fantasy, a    

                       mental representation of a real object.

Revel - A wild party or celebration.

Sagacious - Having or showing keen discernment,

                        sound judgment, and farsightedness.

Group Ten- 8th Grade

Tranquil – very calm

Alacrity – eagerness

Dilapidated – something that is falling apart

Contemplate – think about something thoughtfully

Covet – wanting something that you don’t have

Group Eleven- 8th Grade

Predicament – An unpleasant situation from which it

                             is difficult to free oneself

Contractor – A person who agrees to provide services

                         for a specific price

Stoop – To bend forward and down from the waist

Feeble – A person who is very weak

Irate – Very angry

Groping – When you reach about in an uncertain way

Ramble – Talking at length in an aimless way

Group Twelve - 8th Grade

  1. Astute - ability to notice and understand things                       clearly

  2. Apparent – visible or obvious to understand

  3. Incessant – without interruption

  4. Intrigue – a secret scheme or full of mystery

  5. Inexplicable – unable to explain

Group Twelve - 8th Grade

Group Thirteen- 8th Grade

  1. Regime – a government in power or a form of                              government

  2. Punctual – being on time

  3. Abate – lessen or decrease or reduce

  4. Emigrate – to leave one’s place of residence

  5. Prejudice - prejudgment before examination

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